Quit–Quads in Git Distributed Version Control for RDF Knowledge Bases.
The Quit Store is a triple store capable of performing version control on RDF knowledge graphs. Is especially supports distributed collaboration setups for distributed evolving RDF knowledge bases.
Project WebpageJekyll RDF Transform your RDF Knowledge Graph into static websites and blogs.
With Jekyll-RDF we took the slogan of Jekyll “Transform your plain text into static websites and blogs” and transformed it to “Transform your RDF Knowledge Graph into static websites and blogs”. This enables people without deep programming knowledge to publish data, which is encoded in complicated RDF structures, on the web in an easy to browse format.
Project WebpageOntoWiki a tool providing support for agile, distributed knowledge engineering scenarios.
OntoWiki is a system for collaborative knowledge management and creation. It provides different views to the data and can even be extended by plugins, for example a map plugin to provide a geo spacial view to the data. The underlying data model is a graph database using the Resource Description Framework (RDF). I like to say, what phpmyadmin is for Relation Databases, is OntoWiki for RDF databases.
Project WebpageDSSN Towards a global Distributed Semantic Social Network.
Online social networking has become one of the most popular services on the Web. However, current social networks are like walled gardens in which users do not have full control over their data, are bound to specific usage terms of the social network operator and suffer from a lock-in effect due to the lack of interoperability and standards compliance between social networks. A Distributed Semantic Social Network architecture combines vocabularies and protocols such as WebID, FOAF, Semantic Pingback and PubSubHubbub into a coherent distributed semantic social network, which is capable to provide all crucial functionalities known from centralized social networks.
Project WebpageXodx A basic DSSN node implementation.
Xodx is an implementation of the basic functionality of a DSSN node with profile provider and browser. It can be used both for a single-user setup (e.g. on a Freedom Box) and a multi-user setup. The software is written in PHP and based on the Erfurt-Framework and lib-dssn-php.
Project WebpageMSSW weaving a distributed, semantic social network for mobile users.
An Android-based social web client as well as a contacts provider, which integrates your distributed FOAF/WebID social network into your mobile phone
Project WebpageShareNote a simple and handy app to write down your idear and share them.
ShareNote is a simple and handy app to write down your ideas, thoughts and other notes. It can share the notes with other apps through the Android share functionality. I developed this App while I was travelling across Canada and had no pen nor paper with me but many thoughts.
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