The Linked Data Life-Cycle, LOD2 Cycle, or LOD Cylce tries to visualize the relevant steps performed to generate, manage, publish Linked Data.
Relevant Literature about the Linked Data Life-Cycle is:
- Sören Auer, Volha Bryl, and Sebastian Tramp, eds. Linked Open Data - Creating Knowledge Out of Interlinked Data - Results of the LOD2 Project. Vol. 8661. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, 2014. isbn: 978-3-319-09845-6. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-09846-3. url:
- Sören Auer et al. “Introduction to Linked Data and Its Lifecycle on the Web”. In: Reasoning Web. 2013, pp. 1–90. url: http://jens-
- Sören Auer et al. “Managing the life-cycle of Linked Data with the LOD2 Stack”. In: Proceedings of International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2012). 2012. url:
The life cycle developed in the LOD2 project was also underpinned with the implementation of components for each step within the LOD2-stack. The life cycle and the LOD2-stack can be interactively explored on the LOD2 webpage (internet archive).
There is also a page in the wiki of the W3C Government Linked Data (GLD) working group that shows several proposals and evolutionary steps of a Linked Data life cycle model:
TikZ Version
I was looking for a TikZ version of the life-cycle but couldn’t find one, so here it is:
\usepackage{tikz} % images
\newcommand{\D}{8} % number of dimensions (config option)
\newdimen\R % maximal diagram radius (config option)
\newcommand{\A}{-360/\D} % calculated angle between dimension axes
% add the following two lines to your document to get bigger arrows
\tikzstyle{circ}=[draw, anchor=center, shape=circle, text width=2.2cm]
every label/.style={align=center}
%every label/.style={draw, align=center}
% define labels for each dimension axis (names config option)
\path (1*\A:\R) node[circ, fill=evol, label=center:{Evolution/\\Repair}] (L1) {}; % green
\path (2*\A:\R) node[circ, fill=sear, label=center:{Search/\\Browsing/\\Exploration}] (L2) {}; % lime
\path (3*\A:\R) node[circ, fill=extr, label=center:{Extraction}] (L3) {}; % lime
\path (4*\A:\R) node[circ, fill=stor, label=center:{Storage/\\Querying}] (L4) {}; % yellow
\path (5*\A:\R) node[circ, fill=auth, label=center:{Manual\\revision/\\Authoring}] (L5) {}; % orange
\path (6*\A:\R) node[circ, fill=link, label=center:{Interlinking\\/Fusing}] (L6) {}; % teal
\path (7*\A:\R) node[circ, fill=clas, label=center:{Classifi-\\cation/\\Enrichment}] (L7) {}; % teal
\path (8*\A:\R) node[circ, fill=qlty, label=center:{Quality\\Analysis}] (L8) {}; % green
\draw [->, bend left=10] (L1) to (L2);
\draw [->, bend left=10] (L2) to (L3);
\draw [->, bend left=10] (L3) to (L4);
\draw [->, bend left=10] (L4) to (L5);
\draw [->, bend left=10] (L5) to (L6);
\draw [->, bend left=10] (L6) to (L7);
\draw [->, bend left=10] (L7) to (L8);
\draw [->, bend left=10] (L8) to (L1);